The HUD Administration and Housing Department, is funded by ESG, HOME, and CDBG annual block grants (HUD programs), manages and monitors all housing rehabs for qualified homeowners, and works closely with affordable housing agencies to improve access to safe, sanitary, and quality housing for income qualified tenants.

HUD Entitlement Funds

  • Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)The CDBG program addresses a variety of community development needs that must meet one of three national objectives: benefit low/moderate income persons; eliminate/prevent slum and blight; address an urgent need that poses a threat to the health/welfare of the community.
  • Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG)In 2009, President Obama authorized the Hearth Act which transitioned the focus of the ESG Program to preventing persons from entering the cycle of homelessness and rapidly re-housing homeless persons into permanent housing situations. Eligible components of ESG include street outreach, emergency shelter, homeless prevention, rapid re-housing, data collection via the HUD mandated Homeless Management Information System, and administrative activities.
  • HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME)The HOME Program is designed exclusively to create affordable housing for income eligible persons.
  • HOME-ARP Allocation PlanThis one-year plan will guide policy, housing reforms, and the allocation of federal funds to ensure that the housing environment is improved and maintained. Your help is vital so we can help citizens that experienced house instability brought on by the COVID epidemic! To get involved in the political process and make a lasting effort, please fill out this survey. It should take 1015 minutes to complete, and all responses will remain anonymous.
  • Plan de asignación de HOME-ARPEste plan de un año guiará la política, las reformas de vivienda y la asignación de fondos federales para garantizar que se mejore y se mantenga el entorno de vivienda. ¡Su ayuda es vital para que podamos ayudar a los ciudadanos que experimentaron inestabilidad en sus casas provocada por la epidemia de COVID! Para involucrarse en el proceso político y hacer un esfuerzo duradero, complete esta encuesta. Debería tomar de 10 a 15 minutos completarlo, y todas las respuestas permanecerán anónimas.
